AGM 2019 Date & Venue

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  • AGM 2019 Date & Venue

The AASC committee has set the 2019 AGM for Monday 29 July between 12:00 – 14:00 in the Wharekai, TM118, Madras Street Campus. An invitation has been sent out to members via Outlook.

We shall be providing a light lunch for members, and also holding a bargaining update/ratification meeting immediately following the AGM. RSVPs would be appreciated, for catering purposes.

Friday the 27th of July is the last day to have nominations for the Officers and Executive of the Committee sent to the Secretary. It is also important that you present any Notices of Motion to the Secretary on or before this date. Any Motion should conform to Rule 18.2 of our Association.

If you are unable to make the AGM, please give your proxy voting form to a colleague who is attending or send it to the Secretary (or me) to vote on your behalf (Refer to Rule 9.6 c) Voting At Meetings of the Association).